Tuesday, February 16, 2010

DuVita Sends FIRST Commission Checks

DuVita Sends First Checks!

DuVita mailed its first commission checks on February 15, the new designated check date for each monthly check run. With its first-ever commission run featuring the DuVita power pay plan, a large number of checks included fast-start pay and rank advancement bonuses. Checks ranged from $10 to $6,450.

“We are so proud of our associates for their vision and hard work,” says Amber McAdams. “We are grateful for how our vision has been accepted and broadened by our trusted DuVita associates.”

Kevin Crandall cheered when the checks rolled off the press. “We are on our way to our first million-dollar producer!” he pumped his fist.

The company has already hit stride, and there is no slowing down. “By all standards, DuVita is one of the fastest-growing companies we have seen in more than 20 years,” observed Terrel Transtrum, DuVita’s senior consultant. Expressing amazement at the speed with which associates responded to the Career Pack specials in December, Transtrum believes it’s a sign of the strength and stability in the field team that will propel the company to 5,000 distributors in record time.

First-month commissions will be considerably larger than next month because of the strong launch of so many who have hit rank advancements and fast-start commissions all at once as well as combining November, December, and January. But, the DuVita plan rewards both fast action as well as sustained building and retention. Those who continue to build will see rich rewards month after month.

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